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Game of Thrones’ creators David Benioff and DB Weiss inked an exclusive $200m deal with Netflix

Game of Thrones’ creators David Benioff and DB Weiss inked an exclusive $200m deal with Netflix

Game of Thrones is a gift which keeps giving. Everyone associated with it has name, fame and dollars and in some cases pounds too. In a big news, the creators of GOT David Benioff and DB Weiss have inked an exclusive multi-year $200m deal with Netflix to create exclusive shows for the platform, as reported by Hollywood Reporter.

GOT had a long time association with HBO for which they expressed gratitude. The only fall out is that their show Confederate may never see the light of the day now. But then $200m can’t be ignored for a show.

We hope Netflix will produce some great shows now and we also hope we could also associate with either Netflix or GOT. Well, anything works.

Have fun watching GOT, folks.

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